is the official website of the J/Victoria College, Chulipuram, Old Students Association, Canada.
History & Activities
After many informal meetings at the residence of Mr. K. Sivasubramaniam the inaugural meeting was held at Apple Wood Heights Secondary School Mississauga on February 12, 1995. With Mr. R. Balasubramaniam as president of the association, Mr. K.Sivasubramaniam was chosen to be the patron of the association. His valuable advice and guidance to this day has contributed much to the growth of the association. The executive committee elected to the office and all other old students who attended the inaugural meeting made a contribution of 200,000 rupees to the alma mater. So that the sum may be placed on fixed deposit and the interest to be utilized for the school’s immediate needs.
At a subsequent meeting, a constitution was adopted, and regular committee meetings were held at the residences of the executive committee members. During this period the association was in constant contact with the then principal Mr. Santhirapalan and Mr. Inthirarajah who furnished the association with the needs of the school.
Unfortunately due to various reasons the branch was inactive for some time, but it was revived at a well attended get together held on June 24, 2001 at Morningside Park, Scarborough. At the end of the day the new executive committee was elected to office with Mr. S. Sivaram as president.
This was a very promising year for the association. This executive committee had the privilege of conducting the 125th Anniversary Celebration of the college in an elaborate manner followed by a dinner. Mr. N. Logenthralingam, proprietor and chief editor of “Uthayan” a talented and distinguished old boy of the college was the chief guest. Mr. Samy Appathurai a well recognised speaker and writer graced the occasion with an inspiring speech to enlighten the old students. A souvenir was issued to commemorate the occasion. Mr. G. Sivapiragasam’s unbarring efforts helped us to have the souvenir in time for the celebration. An unprecedented gesture of honoring past teachers was the highlight of the day. This program was the brain child of president Sivaram.
A film show was organized to raise funds for the association on September 12, 2001. On December 12, 2001 we lost our very energetic active executive committee member Mr. K. Vickneswaran who contributed much of his time to obtain advertisements for the souvenir. The money realized form the show was utilized to purchase 9 lachchams of land to extend the existing play ground. At the request of the association the family members of the late Mr. Subbiah (Udayar) contributed liberally to purchase an additional 4 Lachchams of land for the same project.
The next AG.M was held in November 2003 at the Oriole Community resource center for the period covering 2003-2005. It was followed by dinner and a variety entertainment. The new executive committee was elected with Mr. T. Alagarajah, son of the former manager of the college, as president.
During this period the association shouldered the responsibility of releasing the book “A life in the Tune with God” written by Dr. Chellappah an old boy of our school.
The annual get together was organized at Peterborough with a lift lock boat cruise, which turned out to be lot of fun for the participants. Mr. Sudharshan, the chief organizer of the cruise used this occasion to do a small fundraising.
During this period the association reimbursed the money obtained by the school as a loan to purchase land for the play ground. A sum of $2,000.00 (CAN) was remitted to be placed on fixed deposit and the interest by it to be utilized for scholarships. This money was made available by Dr. Mrs. S. Navaneelan in memory of Late Dr. R. Nitchingam and by Mrs. Seethathevy Sivagnanam in memory of Late Mr. & Mrs. Thamotharampillai. An additional sum of $8,500.00 (CAN) dollars liberally contributed by the old students was sent to purchase more land.
The A.G.M and the get together had to be postponed due to the untimely demise of the past president Sivaram. The O.S.A played a major role in the funeral arrangements. It was so unfortunate that at this time the O.S.A Jaffna too lost its president Mr. V. Nagarajah.
Mrs. Jeyanthi Ratnakumar and old girl of Victoria offered the association with admission tickets for her Veena recital, so that we could sell them and realize the proceeds for the association.
The descendants of the founder of the school from Singapore were felicitated at a dinner at the residence of Y. Maharani Daughter of the former Manger Late Mr. R. Thambiah, popularly known as post master.
Our patron Mr. K. Sivasubramaniam, President Mr. T. Alagarajah and the secretary paid a visit to the school to gather first hand information on the play ground extension project.
A raffle was initiated as a fund raising project and a sub committee was elected under the chairmanship of Mr. V. Balachandran. In fact this project was Bala’s brain child. This project was handed over to the next executive committee for completion. The association owes its gratitude to Mrs. K. Vijadevi and Mr. R. Muralitharan for having shouldered the office twice as secretary and treasurer respectively. The deep concern of the executive committee members for their association is very evident from their traveling every month from Scarborough to Mississauga and vice versa to attend executive committee meetings.
The A.G.M and the get together of the year was held at a park in Mississauga on 2005. Sports activities kept the kids occupied and the winners were awarded with prizes. Mr. Kannan, as usual our energetic sports secretary was responsible for all sports activities. After a hearty lunch a new executive committee was elected with Mr. T. Shanmuhanathan as president. This new executive committee very successfully fulfilled the responsibilities by netting a sum of $6,200 (CAN) dollars by the raffle which is now an asset of the association. The draw was held on December 2005 with Mr. Balachandiran distinguished old boy of the school as the chief guest. He holds the record as the first to enter the faculties of Engineering from Victoria College. Mr. Balachandiran did not fail to express his sincere gratitude to his beloved teacher and the then principal Mr. Thambu. The draw was followed by a dinner.
In the year 2006 the association organized the Kingston 1000 Island sight seeing cruise on August 26th, as usual it was by Mr. M. Sudharshan, this time assisted by Mr. S. Jeyakanthan. It was a wonderful trip and the participants, young and old enjoyed the journey. A participant overjoyed by the trip went on the air expressing appreciation of the event through the Canadian Tamil Radio.